Friday, April 28, 2006

Gasping for Air

I THINK we are slowly emerging from the seemingly never-ending haze of handing out cups of Motrin, blurrily calculating when she can have another dose, and tearily wondering when my bubbly little girl will be back to normal. Last night I was convinced that she had some terrible disease and was never going to get better. She rallied a bit today and we ventured out to the zoo this morning to meet some friends and it wasn't completely horrible. I have reached my limit of days spent inside the house not speaking to anyone. If I have to watch the Count It Higher video one more time, it might "accidentally" end up in the trash.

Usually I have a couple of funny Arwyn stories a day, but she's understandably been off her game this week. The gem of the week happened Wednesday afternoon. I thought I smelled a dirty diaper and I said, "Did you poop?" and she replied, "No." I said, "Are you lyin'?" and she raised her arms up and said, "ROAR!" My grammar may suck, but it makes for good stories.

I read an entertaining post at metrodad today about all of the needless bashing parents do to each other. That kind of crap drives me insane and I thought he had a pretty good take on it.

When we were at my mom's for Easter she sent home a bunch of junk she wanted out of my old closet. One whole box was clay projects I had made in art classes. Here is a coil pot I made circa 1988. I thought I might find a use for it on my art desk or keep it on the living room desk to collect spare change. I'll photograph the rest of the collection later for show and tell.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sick Baby

The babydoll has been sick since we returned on Sunday, so all I've been doing for the past couple of days is taking her temp, administering "med-cine", and sitting in the recliner with her watching hour after hour of Elmo and the Wiggles. Don't know if we're going to make our birthday party/playdate tomorrow. At least she's not old enough to know she's missing it.

Hope to return to blogland soon!

Friday, April 21, 2006

No, the Three B's Don't Stand for Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

It's another rainy day in southern Indiana. But I don't care because we are leaving town! Bubby and I are heading up to Michigan with Bubby's older brother, BW, to visit their younger brother, B. It's kind of a haul (7 hours), but BW likes to drive so maybe it won't be too bad. Bubby can't drive a stick-shift though, so he won't be called into duty. The crazy thing is we are leaving at noon today and coming home Sunday. I MUST be home in time for Desperate Housewive's Night at iMollie's.

I'll leave you with a pic I took earlier this week of the azalea bush in front of our house. Later, suckers!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

You're It!

I've been tagged by kleas! I'm ridiculously happy about this, my very first blogger tag.

The number five

1. Five minutes to yourself: how would you spend them, ideally? I would read a chapter of whatever book I happen to be reading.
2. Five bucks to spend right now: how would you spend it? Sonic cokes!
3. Five items in your house you could part with, right now, that you hadn't thought of already? my couch cushions, the school desk on the porch (awaiting redesign), the majority of the rugs, the kitchen curtains, the IKEA nightstands.

4. Five items you absolutely, positively could never part with in your house? my La-Z-Boy Quaker Ultra recliner, photographs, old quilts, artwork and the craft stash.
5. Five words you love? forsythia, periwinkle, davenport, gallivant, geeze

My turn to tag and I choose iMollie.

Sew Cheesy

When my grandparents passed away a few years ago, one of the things I inherited was my grandma's sewing machine. I know very little about sewing machines. I do know it works, but probably needs serviced. It is a Universal model CB-1, probably purchased in the early 1960's. From the research I've done, it doesn't seem to be worth much, if anything. I was hoping to sell it and buy a new one. As you can see in the photo, it currently serves as storage, not exactly what I had in mind. And it doesn't keep the beer cold.

I checked with my mom and my sister to be sure no one would have a heart attack if I got rid of it. I don't have a sentimental attachment to it, as I have no memories at all of my grandmother using the machine, and my mom drolly informed me, "That's because she didn't." I thought that for what it would cost to have it serviced, I would have a nice down payment on a newer, simpler to use, easier to maintain machine.

Today I went to four different stores to look at new sewing machines. I came away with the questionable knowledge that Singers are crap and I probably want a Viking or Bernina. The problem is they are SO much more expensive and I have no idea if they are worth the price tag. I would like to take some classes and learn how to make a few things, possibly even make things to sell in the future. Both the Viking and Bernina come with classes to get you started. My sewing expertise petered out somewhere around eighth grade. But I read lots of crafty blogs and see so many things that I would love to try my hand at.

This is quickly turning into one of the many things I need to start saving for. If anyone has sewing machine recommendations, please comment!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


The hubby didn't bring home the digital camera this weekend, so I wasn't able to create all of those fabulous posts with pictures I was bragging about. Edited to add: He brought it home tonight, so we're in business.

Today Arwyn and I had lunch with some friends from where I worked before she was born. Taking her with me is usually a gamble, and today it didn't pay off very well. As soon as we got home, she went straight to bed and Mama is going to spend nap time looking at an embroidery book from the library. I got a big creative urge a couple of weeks ago and checked out a huge stack of books on sewing. I have now renewed said books and have only made it through one of them! I have big plans to buy a new sewing machine and see what sorts of projects I can whip up.

Speaking of whip up, that is a site I could spend hours on. Go check it out.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

This One's for iMollie

I'm still working on the layout and design of the blog. I haven't had much spare time this week to check out the code and see what sort of magic I could whip up with it. Arwyn is visiting her aunt for the weekend, so I hope to have lots of free time to work on my own projects. I know its a lofty goal, but I'm even hoping to add some pictures! Gasp!!

In preparation for the Easter Egg Hunt to End All Easter Egg Hunts at my parent's house this Sunday, Arwyn has already had three egg hunts in the past two weeks. She is a semi-pro Gatherer, so she does very well collecting the eggs and winging them into her bucket. Luckily, the eggs at Grandma Darla's will be plastic.

Yesterday after her nap, Arwyn wanted to get her shoes and play outside. She ran into the living room, saw her shoes on the floor and exclaimed, "Shoes! There you are!"

Happy Maundy Thursday, everyone.

Monday, April 10, 2006


I read approximately 50 blogs a day, so I've finally decided to jump on the bandwagon. I'll be writing about my crafts, my daughter and whatever else I feel inspired about.