Usually I have a couple of funny Arwyn stories a day, but she's understandably been off her game this week. The gem of the week happened Wednesday afternoon. I thought I smelled a dirty diaper and I said, "Did you poop?" and she replied, "No." I said, "Are you lyin'?" and she raised her arms up and said, "ROAR!" My grammar may suck, but it makes for good stories.
I read an entertaining post at metrodad today about all of the needless bashing parents do to each other. That kind of crap drives me insane and I thought he had a pretty good take on it.
When we were at my mom's for Easter she sent home a bunch of junk she wanted out of my old closet. One whole box was clay projects I had made in art classes. Here is a coil pot I made circa 1988. I thought I might find a use for it on my art desk or keep it on the living room desk to collect spare change. I'll photograph the rest of the collection later for show and tell.