Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh My

I just discovered another blog to add to my ever-growing bookmarks. Because really, who doesn't have the time to read 500 blogs per day?!! I mean, its not like I'm doing anything but cleaning up bodily fluids anyway.

I'd seen OMSH referenced on other sites but had never checked her out before today. And wow, I'm really glad I did. She's straight forward and funny and sounds like a person who would be great to get to know. And she loves Sonic, so how could I resist? I'm loving her Real Moms flickr set and have decided to attempt something along those same lines.

Tonight the girls and I are having a night on the town. And by girls, I don't mean me and my ta-tas. I mean iMollie, our buddy BJ and myself. I think we're all looking forward to it slightly more than may be appropriate, so here's hoping it lives up to the hype.

And now I'm craving Sonic. The best birthday gift my brother-in-law BW ever gave me? A Sonic gift card. I'll have a large coke, please.

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