Friday, December 29, 2006

Cheese Is Good

I don't think I have mentioned it here, but Bubby got a new job at the end of November. We have a lot of good friends at the old job (we both worked there) some who still work there, some who don't. In honor of all this confusion, we had our First Annual Ex-Employee Holiday party in mid-December. Yes, I am just now blogging about it, shut up.

Here's the newly weds, Juju and Big D. Juju is sporting one of her Christmas pressies from yours truly. They have nothing to do with our ex-workplace, but they came anyway, MOOCHERS!

Juju and moi. I tried to give her a smooch under the kissing ball, but she was having none of that. She just likes to have her picture taken next to me so that she looks even more bean-polish than usual. I have no pics of me and Bubby, but you have to get the BFF shot!

A pink frosty beverage. Juju gave me a Cosmo mix and I erroneously followed the directions. Those puppies were strong! And they came with lovely sanding sugar for the glasses, which I also later used on some cookies.

The spread. It looks like a lot, but amazingly there really wasn't that much left over. What I'm really trying to say here is our friends are hogs. I'm kidding! I love you guys. I busted out all our fancy china, dishes from my grandma, and wedding presents that hadn't seen the light of day in over five years.

These flowers are just now starting to fade and the party was 13 days ago.

Bubby chillin'.

This one's for the boys.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know Crystal got married! Man, remember that summer when she was crowned 4-H Fair Queen? That was one crazy summer.

Patrick & Joe'l said...

I didn't know she got married either. Boy, I guess when you don't leave the home town, everyone just runs off and forgets about you Dest.