Monday, November 27, 2006

Lions and Tigers and ... Barbies???

We took Arwyn to the Hadi Shriners circus Thanksgiving night. I had never been to it and Bubby hadn't been since he was a kid. That mofo is LONG. It started at 7 pm and we left at 9:45 and it still wasn't over. Arwyn LOVED it. She talked of nothing else for three days.

If you came early you could take a ride on an elephant (if you wanted to pay $5 for a 30-second ride). Arwyn wasn't too sure about the whole thing, so we saved our money for popcorn and a coloring book. She looked like this the whole time we were down watching the elephants:

... very worried. Like we might just toss her out there and let the elephant chow down on her precious toddler limbs. The elephants, and all the animals really, looked kind of sad. It was a bit depressing. Not that I expect them to be happy about their situation, but it was just ... sad.

When the bear act was on, I just kept thinking, "Those bears should not be wearing a red sparkly vest and riding a motorcyle. They should be catching a fish in a stream somewhere." I appreciate the work the Shriners do, I just wish there was another way.

Luckily, Arwyn is too young to have angst about the circus animals. She ate German kettle corn and clapped and yelled "Woo hoo!" She called the acrobat girls "Barbies" and collected a sticker from a clown at intermission.

Maybe next year we'll make a donation instead.

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