Monday, November 20, 2006

The Letter L

A while back I participated in Moki's initial swap. I was waiting until I received all of my packages before I posted the pics. Last week I got the final one and here they all are.

Thanks, everyone, for such a great swap. Everything has found it's own special place in my studio corner. I'm taking a break from swapping for awhile. I don't foresee myself having much time with the holidays taking over shortly.

These two shots are of the cardboard I use to cover my drafting table. I change it out when it starts to get sticky and the cards pick up debris from it.

I thought they were interesting and I'd get one last look before they hit the recycle pile.

I know I said there would be birthday pics today. We can either say I forgot, or we can blame blogger for difficulty in posting photos, or both.

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