Monday, March 05, 2007

Easy as ...

This is a little ABC book that I made for Arwyn a couple of weeks ago. I knew if I didn't make it right away, it would join the pile of unfinished projects on the dining room table, so I stayed up until 1 am to finish it. Go me!

Bubby researched Disney characters for me to fill in some of the difficult letters (I and Y). I started out wanting it to include only people we knew, but that proved to be impossible. So I switched gears and included several characters that she is familiar with and a few that she's not.

This was a fun project and would make a neat gift for a kid. As you can see, I just printed the pictures out and glued them to some card stock. I used a black Sharpie to draw the letters. Not very glamorous, but she doesn't care!

I punched holes on the fold and tied it with a pretty ribbon.

Self publication is the way to go.

1 comment:

leta joy said...

Thanks, chicka.